Kamis, 19 Januari 2012

Why-Why Analysis



Benchmark Six Sigma

Inspiring Minds, Facilitating Excellence


Let us have a look at Why-Why analysis presented in this real story.


 50,000 US Citizens died an un-natural death during the period 1995 to 2007




This was purely due to the fact that they could not get a suitable organ donor in time.




Only 28% Americans have chosen to donate their organs while 99.9% of the French citizens are potential donors.




Americans and French – both have made this decision on their own.


Why this striking difference?


I am not going to give you the answer straight away. Have a look at the following options. Which one, according to you – is the reason for this striking difference?

A)      Awareness

B)      Cultural differences

C)      National character

D)     Religion or ethnic beliefs


While, we shall live with the suspense for some more time, let us have more whys.


Why is it that the Americans do not donate much?


It is not just the Americans, the British and the Germans also have figures similar to US.


Why just the French have big donation percentages?


 It is not just the French, even Austrians and Hungarians have figures that are similar to French.


Well, here is the reason.


In the US, Great Britain and Germany, the legal default is that nobody is a donor without registering to be one. While in France, Austria and Hungary, everyone is a potential donor unless they opt out.


Food for thought – The default setting in opt-out or opt-in can have serious long standing repercussions. It can have huge impact on your business as well. I am sure you have noticed the default tick that is present in the insurance option in some of the airline booking pages. If you do not untick it carefully, you are going to buy the insurance (looks rather unfair to me). The default harmless looking tick on "send me updates" is a huge plus for high traffic websites and helps in building huge subscriber bases.


Have you used the opt-in or opt-out default setting to business advantage? Do you have a related story to share? Please share your views on our community by clicking here


Best Regards,

Vishwadeep Khatri

Benchmark Six Sigma/span>


This mailer is the first in the series of Benchmark Story This Week. Mailers in this series go out to 50000 plus subscribers every week. If you respond on our community by clicking here , you can connect with a large number of professionals who are all improvement enthusiasts. 














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