Selasa, 15 Juni 2010

RE: [SixSigmaHR] Vechicle entitlement Policy

Section 1 - Purpose and Context

(1) The Corporate Credit Card was introduced as an alternative purchasing and payment mechanism to improve payment performance, simplify clerical processes, provide more effective cash management and in many cases better service delivery. The card system is specifically designed for, but not restricted to, high volume but low value (less than $1,000) transactions and to assist staff members who travel on behalf of the University.
(2) The University has adopted standards and processes that will ensure its credit card system facilitates fulfilment of the stated objectives while allowing the University to remain diligent in ensuring all related expenditure is legitimate.
(3) There are benefits to the University, Cardholders, and our suppliers.
(4) Benefits to UWS and Cardholders may include:
  1. less paperwork;
  2. faster receipt of goods and services;
  3. increased flexibility;
  4. less reliance on petty cash;
  5. reduced purchase processing costs flowing from a reduction in requisitions, orders, invoices, cheques and petty cash;
  6. prompt recording of financial transactions; and/or
  7. improved purchasing and management information capacity.
(5) Benefits to suppliers may include:
  1. prompt payment;
  2. improved cash flow; and/or
  3. reduced invoicing and collection costs.
(6) The Corporate Credit Card system has two main components:
  1. mastercards and credit facility supplied by nominated credit provider; and
  2. credit card management software utilised by Card Supervisors and the Corporate Card Controller for accounting purposes and control of credit card data.

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Section 2 - Section 2 - Definitions

(7) For the purpose of this policy:
  1. Cardholder - refers to the staff member whose name appears on the corporate credit card.
  2. Card Supervisor - refers to the staff member assigned to a corporate credit card to perform the online accounting process, follow up as required and filing of completed statement reconciliations.
  3. Corporate Card Controller - refers to the staff member in the Finance who manages the credit card system.
  4. Line Manager - refers to the staff member with budgetary control over the cost centre assigned to a corporate credit card.
  5. ABN - refers to the Australian Business Number that should be displayed on the receipts/tax invoices of all suppliers operating a business in Australia.
  6. GST - refers to Goods and Services tax.
    1. The University is liable for GST. To enable tax credits all purchases $50.00 or more must have a tax invoice.
  7. FBT - refers to Fringe Benefits Tax.
    1. Fringe Benefits Tax may be applicable to expenses paid by Corporate Credit Card. Cardholders are required to note on the reconciliation the number of staff and the number of non-staff attending any function regarded as entertainment.
  8. TAN - refers to Travel Approval number
    1. Travel must be approved prior to expenses being incurred.
  9. Private Expense - refers to any expense that is not related to the University's business operations. The purchase of gifts, food and related items in relation to non-business activities, such as birthday celebrations and the like is a private expense which, if undertaken, should be covered by way of voluntary donations.
  10. PIN - refers to the Personal Identification Number supplied to new Cardholders by the credit provider. The PIN enables the Cardholder to access the credit card balance at an ATM.
  11. ATM - refers to Automatic Teller Machine.
  12. BAS - refers to the Business Activity Statement the University is required to complete and submit to the Australian Taxation Office each month.

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Section 3 - Policy Statement

(8) The University's corporate credit card systems main objective is to streamline processes and improve efficiency in relation to the receipt of goods and services, payment to suppliers and to support staff who travel on behalf of the University.

Part A - Part A - Issuing, Amendment and Withdrawal of Corporate Credit Cards

Issuing of Corporate Credit Cards

(9) The University will not issue a Corporate Credit Card to adjunct, visiting or casual staff.
(10) The University may issue a Corporate Credit Card to applicants who meet all the following criteria. The applicant must:
  1. be an ongoing or fixed term employee of the University of Western Sydney or its entities;
  2. occupy a position that has a regular and demonstrated need to purchase goods/services within their unit or is required to travel on behalf of the university within Australia or Overseas;
  3. be willing to accept and abide by the conditions of use as stated in the university's application form and the credit card providers application form and comply with relevant UWS policies and procedures; and
  4. be able to produce documentation to establish identity as stated on the UWS application form and in accordance with the Financial Transaction Reports Act 1988 - 100 Points Identification. The following list provides the most common forms of identification and their point value:

Form of Identification

Points Awarded

Birth Certificate




Citizenship Certificate


Drivers Licence (Australian)


Driver Licence (Foreign)


Tertiary Education ID


Employment ID incl. name and address


Employment ID incl. name only


Rates Notice


Credit/Debit Cards only one per institution


Medicare card


Membership Card club, union, trade, etc.


Credit Limits
(11) Credit limits on credit cards should be determined by the anticipated monthly expenditure required by the position held within the unit. Operable card limits range between $1000 and $50000. The following serves as a guide only in establishing an appropriate limit:
  1. Purchases <$500.00 per month : $1000 card limit
  2. Purchases <$1000.00 per month : $1500 card limit
  3. Purchases <$2000.00 per month : $2500 card limit
(12) Limits on corporate cards used exclusively for travel should be determined by the frequency of travel undertaken by the staff member and the anticipated budget per trip bearing in mind that some staff may only travel twice a year but require a substantially higher budget than others who travel more often.
(13) Limits on corporate cards used for both purchasing and travel should take into account the needs of the traveller as well as the unit's monthly purchasing requirements.
(14) The approving officer may either reject the application or reduce the applicable credit limit where they are not satisfied that the requested credit limit is justified.
(15) In addition to the criteria set out above, for a card to be issued applications must be:
  1. lodged in accordance with the application procedures set out in Section 4;
  2. supported by the applicant's Line Manager who holds budgetary control over the unit;
  3. endorsed by a relevant category 6 (CAT6) or category 7 (CAT7) delegation holder; and
  4. approved by an authorised employee in accordance with the University's Delegations (Administrative) Policy.

Amending Existing Card Limit

(16) In the first instance an assessment of the card limits of all Cardholders within the unit should be carried out to ascertain whether existing limits across the unit meet the expenditure needs of the area (refer to Part A for credit limit guidelines).
(17) Once the need for amendment has been established an application to increase/decrease should be submitted using the Credit Card Amendment Notification and completing the appropriate sections.
(18) New card limits can be either temporary or permanent depending on the needs of the unit. In the case of a temporary limit change the University's credit provider requires it remain in place for a minimum of one monthly credit card statement cycle.
(19) Approval will also be subject to the same conditions set out in clause (15).

Retention of Credit Card on Transfer or Secondment to New Position

(20) Corporate card holders are not automatically eligible to retain and use their corporate credit card when they take up duties in a new position, regardless of whether that position is within their current work unit or not. Instead, eligibility to retain and use a corporate credit card in a new position must be assessed in accordance with the same conditions that apply to the issuing of new corporate credit cards. In other words, the need to retain the card must be established.
(21) It is the responsibility of the Cardholder to notify their new Line Manager that they hold a corporate credit card and the responsibility of the Line Manager to undertake an assessment to establish whether retention of the card is appropriate.
(22) In the event that the Cardholder is believed eligible to retain and use their card in the new position a Corporate Credit Card Amendment Notification must be completed and lodged in accordance with the procedures set out in Part F below.
(23) Approval to retain and use the card will also be subject to the conditions set out in clause (15).
(24) In the event that the card holder is deemed ineligible to retain or use their card in their new position, and that new position is either permanent or of a duration in excess of 12 months, then the Cardholder must comply with the requirements governing Withdrawal of Corporate Credit Cards.
(25) In the event that the Cardholder is deemed ineligible to use their card in their new position, where the appointment is for a period of less than 12 months the Cardholder may retain their card in a safe location but cease using it for the duration of their appointment.
(26) For detailed procedures related to the retention of corporate credit cards, refer to Part E.

Withdrawal of Corporate Credit Cards

(27) A Corporate Credit Card may be withdrawn for any of the following reasons:
  1. Misuse of card by Cardholder including unacceptable or inappropriate expenditure.
  2. Non-compliance with conditions governing the issuing of UWS corporate credit cards.
  3. Transfer to another position or unit within UWS that does not require the credit card purchasing facility where the transfer is either permanent or of a duration in excess of 12 months.
  4. The position currently held within the unit no longer requires a credit card purchasing facility or the card has not been used for 12 months.
(28) Where a Corporate Credit Card is withdrawn the University requires Cardholder to:
  1. destroy the card for security purposes by cutting through the card number;
  2. return the destroyed card to the Corporate Card Controller; and
  3. undertake a reconciliation of their final statement, or if leaving the University provide their Card Supervisor with all relevant documentation, receipts, invoices and the like so that a reconciliation may be undertaken on receipt of the final statement.
(29) For detailed procedures related to the withdrawal of corporate credit cards, refer to Part F.

Cancellation of Corporate Credit Cards

(30) A Corporate Credit Card will be cancelled for the following reasons:
  1. The card has been withdrawn in accordance with the conditions set out for Withdrawal of Corporate Credit Cards.
  2. The Cardholder leaves the service of UWS and returns their card to the Corporate Card Controller for cancellation.
(31) Where the intended cessation of employment with the University is known, Office of Human Resources (OHR) are to notify the Corporate Card Controller prior to staff exiting the University. The Corporate Card Controller will then notify card holders of the requirement to return their card.
(32) In all cases the card should be destroyed by cutting through the card number prior to returning the card to the Corporate Card Controller.
(33) It is the Cardholder's responsibility to submit the final statement reconciliation including all receipts/tax invoices for outstanding expenditure to their Card Supervisor prior to their departure.

Part B - Conditions of Use

(34) Cards are only to be used by the person whose name appears on the credit card.
(35) The issue of a corporate credit card gives the cardholder authority to incur expenditure on a University Credit Card up to the limit of the card. Even where the credit limit allows, each transaction should not exceed $10,000 except where the Cardholder has a substantive delegation (i.e. CCM or higher) in which case each transaction should not exceed the card holders substantive financial delegation (see Delegations (Administrative) Policy).
(36) Not withstanding the above, no expense is to be incurred on a credit card until the requirements of other relevant policies and procedures (e.g. such as the attainment of quotes) have been fulfilled and authorised approval given.
(37) As the issue of a credit card carries no financial delegation to approve expenditure and as approval of own recommendation is expressly forbidden in the University's Delegations (Administrative) Policy, all cardholders must verify the accuracy of their credit card expenditure as detailed on their statement and submit their accounts for approval in accordance with the procedures set out in Part G of this document and in the University's Delegations.
(38) Acceptance of a Corporate Credit Card constitutes agreement by the Cardholder to abide by:
  1. the conditions of use specified by the credit provider on issue of the card and the University Corporate Credit Card Application;
  2. all relevant University policies, procedures and guidelines; and
  3. any reasonable instructions issued by the University in respect to the use of the card.
(39) Under no circumstances should a corporate credit card be used for non-business expenditure.
(40) Any failure to comply with the conditions of use as set by the credit card provider will render the University liable and will also result in the withdrawal of the credit card.
(41) Any failure to comply with the conditions of use of the University will result in the withdrawal of the credit card.
(42) Misuse of a corporate credit card may result in disciplinary action or legal proceedings being initiated by the University.

Usage Guidelines

(43) The Cardholder may place an order with a supplier:
  1. in person;
  2. by phone or fax;
  3. by mail; or
  4. via the internet only when the site has been confirmed secure.
    1. The most common security symbol is the presence of a padlock usually located at the bottom of the screen.
    2. A valid security certificate showing a current end date can usually be accessed by double clicking on the padlock symbol.
    3. Another example may be the web address that commences with https. In this case the "s" suggests it is a secure site.
    4. If the site cannot be confirmed as secure the order/purchase must not proceed.
(44) Corporate Credit Cards should only be used for business expenditure. Examples of appropriate uses for Corporate Credit Card would include:
  1. payment for goods/services in full or part supply;
  2. deposits;
  3. subscriptions for UWS;
  4. conference fees (ensure TAN is in place);
  5. travel expenses where the staff member has elected not to receive a "per diem" and are deemed appropriate (ensure TAN is in place);
  6. general consumables other than stationery and office supplies;
  7. equipment items other than computing equipment and with a value less than $5000; and
  8. official entertainment.
(45) Inappropriate uses for credit card would include:
  1. internal payments to UWS;
  2. private expenses;
  3. private telephone accounts including internet/broadband services;
  4. motorway tolls;
  5. personal professional association membership fees;
  6. travel costs where the staff member has elected to receive reimbursement for actual costs or has elected to receive a per diem or specified travel advance;
  7. withdrawal of cash /cash advances except in circumstances where the credit card has been specifically approved for this purpose by the Director Finance (Director Fin) /Chief Operating Officer;
  8. stationery and general supplies including DVD's, CD's available from the UWS approved contract supplier;
  9. computer equipment including hardware, CD burners, DVD burners and software;
  10. other equipment items with a value of $5000 or greater;
  11. splitting purchases to avoid purchasing policy requirements;
  12. fuel purchases with the exception of hire cars and new University vehicles awaiting issue of fuel cards; and
  13. UWS appointed Travel Agent bookings.

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Section 4 - Procedures

Part C - Applying for a New Corporate Credit Card

(46) Applications for a new card should only be submitted once the need for a new Corporate Credit Card has been established. Where there is a perceived need for a new Corporate Credit Card this should be reported to the Line Manager with budgetary responsibility for the relevant cost centre. The Line Manager will then have to assess the requirements and determine whether the need for a new card has been established in accordance with Part A of this policy. Once the need has been established a formal application must be submitted.
(47) Applications must be submitted on the UWS Corporate Credit Card Application Form and the Credit Provider's Application Form, both of which are available on the University's Finance Forms web page.
(48) Before completing and signing the application the intended Cardholder (hereafter referred to as the applicant) is required to read the conditions contained in this document and the conditions of use specified on the UWS Corporate Credit Card Application Form and the Credit Provider's Application Form.
(49) Applicants should not proceed to complete and sign the application for a corporate credit card if they are not willing to comply with this policy or the conditions of use prescribed on the UWS Corporate Credit Card Application Form or the Credit Provider's Application Form. In the event that the applicant does not understand any of the conditions of use they should seek clarification from the Corporate Card Controller prior to completing and submitting their application.
(50) Those applicants who are happy to comply with the conditions of use should:
  1. complete, sign and date the UWS Corporate Credit Card Application Form;
  2. complete, sign and date the Credit Provider's Application Form, making sure that the postal address for delivery is the UWS location; and
  3. photocopy the necessary documents to establish their identity (as per Part A of this policy). Note that:
    1. the photocopies must be clear to be acceptable, and
    2. the total points for the proof of identification provided must total at least 100 based on the points schedule provided in Part A.
(51) Having fulfilled the requirements set out in clause (50) (a-c), the applicant must submit their application for approval. In the first instance applications are submitted to the applicants Line Manager who holds budgetary responsibility for the relevant cost centre noted on the application. Note that:
  1. Normal practice is for applicants to submit all documentation, including their photocopied proof of identification, to the Line Manager. This said applicants can, if they wish, arrange alternate methods for delivering their proof of identification direct to the Corporate Card Controller. An applicant may do this if they are uncomfortable having this type of information sent through the internal mail system.
  2. Under no circumstances should anyone's original identification documents (e.g. passports) be sent through the mail.
(52) On receipt of completed credit card applications the Line Manager must determine whether they are willing to support the application.
(53) In the event that the Line Manager is not willing to support the application they must advise the applicant and return all the application documents, including proof of identification.
(54) In the event that the Line Manager are willing to support the application they must:
  1. check that the applicant has submitted both the UWS Corporate Credit Card Application Form and Credit Provider's Application Form and that both forms are completed and signed by the applicant;
  2. nominate a Card Supervisor who will be required to check the account codes, general ledger descriptions and any other information or follow up as required on the Cardholder statement for correctness and perform the online approval process in Oracle by the end of each month;
    1. Note that the nominated Card Supervisor must complete the One Day Oracle Training run by the Professional Development Unit (PDU). Accordingly it is preferable to nominate an employee who is already a Card Supervisor or Oracle User wherever possible and practical.
    2. Where the nominated card supervisor has not already undertaken the One Day Oracle Training, this should be noted on the application form and the:
      • Line Manager/Card Supervisor should arrange to attend the next available One Day Oracle Training Course provided by PDU as soon as possible, and
      • the Card Supervisor should notify the Credit Card Controller when they have completed the training.
  3. obtain the Card Supervisor's acceptance of their nomination by way of signature on the UWS Corporate Credit Card Application; and
  4. forward all documentation pertaining to the application to the relevant CAT6 or CAT7 delegation holder for endorsement.
(55) On receipt of an application the relevant CAT6/CAT7 delegation holder may:
  1. endorse the application without amendment and forward it to the Corporate Card Controller; or
  2. endorse the application having recommended an alternate credit limit and forward it to the Corporate Card Controller; or
  3. reject the application on the basis that:
    1. they are not satisfied that the need for the card has been established;
    2. they believe that the requested credit limit is unjustifiable; or
    3. they require further clarification of details related to the application.
(56) Applications will not be lodged for formal approval until all required documentation is received by the Corporate Card Controller. Where an incomplete application is received the Corporate Card Controller will contact the relevant parties and request the missing information. The application will remain on hold until such time as the required documentation is provided.
(57) On receipt of a complete application the Credit Card Controller will lodge the application for approval by an appropriately authorised officer, as per the University's Delegations (Administrative) Policy.
(58) If approved the Corporate Card Controller will then:
  1. forward the relevant documentation to the Credit Provider for approval and processing; and
  2. file all documentation associated with the application.
(59) On receipt of notification from the Credit Provider that the applicant's card has been approved the Corporate Card Controller will then:
  1. forward the new Cardholder a Corporate Credit Card Quick Guide;
  2. send an email notification to the Delegations Register Data Maintenance Officer, advising them the new Cardholders details so that they can create or amend delegation records as necessary; and
  3. create the new record in the credit card system.
(60) The Credit Provider will forward the new card direct to the Cardholder. This should normally happen within a period of 21 calendar days of receipt of the application in the Finance Office (FINO) and Cardholders should notify the FINO if there is any delay in receiving their card.
(61) The Credit Provider may also provide additional instructions at the time the card is issued and the Cardholder is expected to:
  1. sign their card as soon as possible upon receipt;
  2. activate their card prior to use in accordance with the Credit Provider's instructions; and
  3. read and comply with any other instructions issued by the Credit Provider with the card.

Part D - Applying for an Increased/Decreased Credit Limit

(62) When applying for an increase or decrease in credit limit the applicant should complete the Credit Card Amendment Notification Form accordingly and submit it to their Line Manager. Approval will then follow the same process as that set out in Part C, having regard to obvious differences in documentation requirements.
(63) On receipt of the approved Credit Card Amendment Notification the Corporate Card Controller will:
  1. notify the change to the Credit Provider;
  2. amend the record in the credit card system; and
  3. send an email notification to the relevant Delegations Register Data Maintenance Officer so they can amend delegations records as necessary.

Part E - Applying to Retain a Credit Card on Transfer/Secondment

(64) Where a Cardholder is appointed to a new position, whether that appointment be permanent or temporary (i.e. secondment), the Cardholder is required to apply to retain and use their credit card in accordance with Part A of this policy.
(65) When applying to retain a corporate credit card the applicant should complete the Credit Card Amendment Notification Form, then submit it to the Line Manager with budgetary responsibility for their new position. Approval will then follow the same process as that set out in Part C, having regard to obvious differences in documentation requirements.
(66) On receipt of the approved Credit Card Amendment Notification the Corporate Card Controller will comply with requirements set out in clause (63) b and c.
(67) If the application is approved the Cardholder simply continues to use the card as per normal.
(68) If the application to retain is rejected refer Part F.

Part F - Withdrawal and Cancellation of Cards

(69) In the event that a card is being withdrawn due to transfer/secondment the Cardholder will receive notification from the new Line Manager that their application to retain has been unsuccessful. In such circumstances the Cardholder should follow the process set out in clause (73), but should only do so at the commencement of their new duties.
(70) In the event that a card is being withdrawn for general non-compliance in relation to reconciliation processes or cessation of need, the Cardholder will receive a written notification from any of the following parties indicating that their card is being withdrawn:
  1. Corporate Card Controller
  2. Line Manager
  3. other relevant officer, holding CAT6 or CAT7 level delegations.
(71) The notification will normally indicate the reason for the withdrawal.
(72) In the event that misuse of a credit card has been established the cardholder will be notified by the relevant CAT6 or CAT7 delegation holder and should follow the process set out in clause (73).
(73) On receipt of notification of card withdrawal the Cardholder must:
  1. destroy the card by cutting through the card number;
  2. complete the Corporate Credit Card Amendment Notification Form;
  3. hand both destroyed card and the notification form to their:
    1. Line Manager, or
    2. other relevant officer, holding CAT6 or CAT7 delegations; and
  4. give their Card Supervisor all documentation relevant to the final reconciliation of the card.
(74) Where a withdrawn card and amendment notification is handed to the Line Manager they are responsible for ensuring it is forwarded to the relevant CAT6 or CAT7 delegation holder for endorsement.
(75) On receipt of a withdrawn card and amendment notification, the CAT6/CAT7 delegation holder will normally endorse the withdrawal and forward all documentation to the Corporate Card Controller.
(76) On receipt of both the destroyed card and the amendment notification form the Corporate Card Controller will:
  1. obtain formal approval to withdraw and cancel the card in accordance with the Delegations (Administrative) Policy;
  2. notify the Credit Provider;
  3. expire the card in Oracle Financial System; and
  4. notify the relevant Delegation Register Maintenance Officer so that they can update the Delegations Register.

Part G - How to Use a Corporate Credit Card

(77) The following provides information as to the appropriate use of a corporate credit card and subsequent reconciliation and accounting procedures. In the event that either the Cardholder or Card Supervisor does not understand any of the conditions set out below they should contact the Corporate Card Controller for advice and/or training prior to incurring any expenditure or in the case of the Card Supervisor, prior to authorising and performing the online accounting process.
Before Incurring Expenditure
(78) Upon receipt of the new card the Cardholder should:
  1. sign the reverse of the card immediately and activate the card by following the instructions provided with the card by the credit provider;
  2. ensure the safe custody of the credit card and the PIN at all times. The PIN is useful for accessing the credit card balance at ATM outlets;
  3. read this document thoroughly and source related policy documents to become familiar with the requirements of the University; and
  4. ensure sufficient budget funds are available to cover purchases.
Actual Usage
(79) Credit cards should not be used at prohibited suppliers or suppliers who do not comply with relevant GST legislation. A supplier must provide a Tax invoice for goods and services $50 and over where GST is included and all suppliers must display their ABN on invoices/receipts.
(80) When using the credit card facility Cardholders should:
  1. obtain an invoice/receipt displaying suppliers ABN for goods under $50.00;
  2. obtain a Tax invoice displaying suppliers ABN for goods $50.00 and over;
  3. ensure suppliers record full and proper descriptions of items or services on invoices/receipts;
  4. confirm the supplier site is secure when placing an order via the internet in accordance with Part B of this document;
  5. ensure goods and services are received in good order and condition;
  6. ensure a credit is received for any returns or refunds;
  7. ensure expenditure does not exceed monthly credit limit; and
  8. report lost, stolen or damaged cards immediately to the credit provider and notify the Corporate Card Controller as soon as possible.
Statement Reconciliations
(81) The Cardholder should keep all invoices/receipts from purchases in a safe place until the monthly statement arrives from the credit provider.
(82) Statements are sent directly from the credit provider to the Cardholder at their University location.
(83) On receipt of the statement the Cardholder should:
  1. check each transaction for accuracy, enter the appropriate account codes against each item and include a full description of the goods/service;
  2. note invoices/receipts for entertainment expenses with the number of staff and non staff attending. Complete an FBT declaration as required;
  3. submit a signed declaration of authenticity of the transaction when a invoice/receipt has been lost and cannot be replaced by the supplier;
  4. attach all invoices/receipts and other necessary documentation to the statement;
  5. complete the following credit providers notification if an unidentified transaction appears and fax the notification to the credit card provider on the number provided on the form and attach it to the statement; and
  6. sign the statement for authenticity and forward to their Line Manager for expenditure approval as soon as possible after receipt of statement.
(84) Where a Cardholder is intending to go on leave and believes that a statement reconciliation may fall due during the period of their leave they should provide all the necessary documentation (e.g. invoice/receipts/declarations) to their Line Manager prior to going on leave.
(85) On receipt of the reconciled statement the Line Manager should:
  1. check all documents are attached to the statement;
  2. check all expenditure is in accordance with University Policy and Procedures;
  3. sign the statement as approved when satisfied all expenditure is in order; and
  4. forward to the relevant Card Supervisor before the end of the month so the online accounting process can be completed within required deadlines.
(86) In the event that the Line Manager identifies expenditure that is inappropriate the Cardholder should be informed immediately of the breach of conditions and corrective action taken to ensure UWS requirements are not undermined. The Cardholder may be required to reimburse the University and/or counselling or disciplinary action may be taken.
(87) In the event that the Line Manager identifies serious misuse of the card the Corporate Card Controller should be notified as soon as possible so the matter can be referred to the Manager Financial Operations promptly and an investigation undertaken.
(88) On receipt of the approved statement reconciliation the Card Supervisor should:
  1. ensure statements have been signed by the Cardholder and approved by their Line Manager in accordance with Schedule A - A1 of the University's Delegations (Administrative) Policy;
  2. review transactions for correctness of general ledger coding and ensure an adequate description of goods/service has been provided by the Cardholder;
  3. ensure any purchase of a single item of equipment with a value of $2000 - $4999 is notified to the Finance Officer - Fixed Assets;
  4. ensure any prepayments for services for periods extending past the current year are notified to the relevant Management Accountant for accounting purposes;
  5. carry out the online accounting process of all transactions by the close of each month, including any disputed transactions and credit transactions. Failure to do so will result in the second reminder email alert being sent to both the Cardholder and the Card Supervisor;
  6. examine and authorise statements in accordance with the requirements of Section 13 of the Public Finance and Audit Act, 1983; and
  7. file statements and their attached documentation in accordance with the University's Records and Archives Management Services Unit requirements.
(89) In the event that a Cardholder fails to provide the relevant documentation to the Card Supervisor within the required timeframe the Card Supervisor is responsible for following the matter through with the Cardholder.
Monitoring and Review Mechanisms
(90) Cardholders who have transacted on their card during the previous months statement cycle period will receive an email alert during the second week of the new month. The email lists all outstanding transactions and advises that a statement is on its way. Contained in this email alert is a request to process the statement promptly to ensure the expenditure is included in both the financial accounts for the current month and the GST Business Activity Statement (BAS).
(91) The relevant Card Supervisor will also receive the email alert for the purpose of following up the Cardholder if the statement reconciliation is not received during the current month. In the event of a Cardholder being absent at the time of this email alert the Card Supervisor should notify the Corporate Card Controller of the circumstances and the expected return date of the Cardholder. This procedure ensures the card will not be suspended from use because of outstanding transactions while the Cardholder is absent.
(92) Cardholders with transactions outstanding at the end of the month will receive a second email alert as will the relevant Card Supervisor. This email alert reminds the Cardholder of their original signed agreement to comply with card accounting procedures and advises that they are in breach of that agreement. A further ten working days will be allowed for the completion of the reconciliation process and online approval by the Card Supervisor.
(93) Cardholders with transactions still outstanding at the end of the ten working day extension period will receive the 3rd and final email alert notifying them that their card has been suspended from use. The relevant Card Supervisor will also be included in this alert process. The Cardholder should contact the Corporate Card Controller for instructions.
(94) As a precautionary measure the Corporate Card Controller will conduct a monthly review and follow up of credit cards that have been suspended from use due to overdue transactions. Where the Corporate Card Controller identifies a cardholder who has failed to comply with the requirements of clause (93) they shall pursue the matter with the cardholder or if necessary by way of appropriate management lines.
(95) Further to the above, in circumstances where the cardholder continues to fail to complete the statement reconciliation process within the required timeframe, the Corporate Card Controller may recommend the withdrawal and cancellation of their card.
(96) In terms of general review the Corporate Card Controller will conduct a monthly review and follow up of credit cards that have been suspended from use due to overdue transactions as well as a monthly review of under-utilised credit cards.
(97) The Corporate Card Controller will report promptly any misuse of cards considered serious to the Manager Financial Operations for the purpose of further investigation.
(98) Audit and Risk Assessment Unit will conduct periodic reviews of the corporate credit card usage.
  • Card expenses should be for Davidson College business only.  Personal expenses may not be charged to the College card.
  • Cash advances on the Davidson College Visa Card are not allowed.
  • When preparing a Payment Request Form, a meaningful explanation of the business purpose of each expense must be included.  For meals & travel, also include a list of any additional persons included in such expenses.  Original receipts for all charges in excess of $25 should be attached to the statement (see supporting documentation section below for more information).
  • If you are missing a receipt, make note of that beside the charge and include an explanation of that charge. 
  • We are eligible for sales tax refunds on purchases made with the corporate card, but only if we have the detailed receipt showing the cost and tax paid.  Therefore, please provide as much detailed documentation as you have - for meals or food purchases, please include the detailed print out of the items purchase.
  •  It is very important that your current charges get paid each month. Accordingly, please send your payment requests to the Accounts Payable office two weeks prior to due date. Your department head or supervisor should sign each statement as evidence of approval for payment. If you are on an extended travel schedule, please make arrangements with your supervisor or department head for your bills to be paid in your absence.
  • Please follow the guidelines on the back of your statement if you need to dispute any charges.
  • You may contact the Staff Assistant at 704/894-2880 with questions concerning payments; requests for permanent or temporary credit limit increase for a cardholder must have department head or supervisor approval, and may be sent via e-mail to Ed Kania or Susan Jimenez for processing.
  • If you leave employment with Davidson College, you must return your credit card to Susan Jimenez in the Business Services office by your last working day.
  • Please call customer service at 877/543-4453 for the following:
    * To report lost/stolen card (please report as soon as possible).
    * Questions regarding card denial.

--- On Tue, 6/1/10, Devarshi Deb <> wrote:

From: Devarshi Deb <>
Subject: RE: [SixSigmaHR] Vechicle entitlement Policy
Date: Tuesday, June 1, 2010, 9:36 AM


Can someone please share their credit card policy?




From: SixSigmaHR@yahoogro [mailto:SixSigmaHR@ yahoogroups. com] On Behalf Of mohan gocha
Sent: 25 March 2006 15:29
To: SixSigmaHR@yahoogro
Subject: Re: [SixSigmaHR] Vechicle entitlement Policy


Hi Nudrath,


Herewith i sending one Vehicle Policy.


I think it will helpful for u.





Nudrath Tarannum <nudstar2000@> wrote:

I work for a middle level System Integration Company. I am in the
process of designing some HR policies. Would like to have some info on
Vechicle entitlements like Cars or Bikes to employees.
What is the eligibility criteria practised in the industry and how do
they factor the value of the vechicle with the designation or
Compensation bands. Do any of your company's have a vechile policy, if
so, kindly give me a brief.



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