Dear Friends, It was interesting to go through all the deliberations amongst you all, relating to "Show Cause" notice. In this regard,my views are not in consonance with the ones expressed here. Why ? Natural Justice prescribes that, 1.On receipt of complaint,a prima facie enquiry is called for, to ascertain the factuals,but it is not mandatory in all nature of complaints. 2.A Letter of CHARGES follows,calling for written explanation, if any, from the concerned individual. 3.In case his explanation is not found to be satisfactory,a domestic enquiry is the out come. 4.On receipt of "findings" the disciplinary authority has to decide on the quantum of punishment vis-a vis as provided under the standing orders. 5.Thereafter follows a SHOW CAUSE notice mentioning therein the findings of the enquiry, the reason for arriving at such a conclusion by the E.O and why the proposed punishment,as per S.O will meet the ends of justice.Again the individual is given a chance to reply to this Show cause. 6.Then follows the punishment. Remember- "Natural Justice should not only be done but should appear to have been done" Shashikant Shukla From: shibu jacob <>Date: Friday, June 18, 2010, 5:08 PM
Dear All, While issuing a show-cause notice pl keep the following elements in mind- a) Be specific with regard to the date, time & place of offence b)Specify the Rule/Clause under which the said act is a violation of Standing Order/Company Rules c)Pl don't mention the degree of punishment that can be attracted .Only mention -"show-cause as to why disciplinary action should not be initiated". Based on the reply to the show-cause,in case you wish to take disciplinary action,pl issue a formal charge sheet explaining the charge & list of witness,evidences etc. Conduct a formal inquiry & give oppurtunity for defense,cross- examination etc before initiating stringent punishment. Cheers, Shibu Jacob
--- On Thu, 17/6/10, sundar_mpm <sundar_mpm@yahoo. com> wrote:
From: sundar_mpm <sundar_mpm@yahoo. com> Subject: Re: Showcase Notice
To: SixSigmaHR@yahoogro Date: Thursday, 17 June, 2010, 7:52 AM
Please note that it is not Show Case Notice but Show-Cause Notice (observe the correct spelling)
As your request is for a model of Notice, I furnish below a specimen on unauthorised sebsence of an employee. To Mr.xxxxxx (Address)
It is observed from our records that you are absenting yourself from your duties and responsibilities in our Company/Unit/ Factory since xxxx date onwards till date. (both the days inclusive) The letters sent to your residence address as in our company's records, returned undelivered.
You have not also reported for duty of your own, as on date and time.
You should report for duty immediately of your own or we should receive a letter of communication explaining the reason for your unauthorised long absence from your either in person or through post or through your authorised representative. Or you should explain to us as to why should not we terminate your services on your unauthorised absence of you as on date and time.
Your reply to this Show Cause notice should have been received by us on or before.(Date) ....before tghe closure of the Factory/Unit/ Office hours.
In case, nothing is received from you, your services are automatically treated as terminated and no communication of any nature, whatsoever, would be entertained by us. MANAGER CC: xxxxxx xxxxxx
--- In SixSigmaHR@yahoogro, Sree <sreehrd@...> wrote: > > Dear Team > > Could you please send showcase notice models.. > > > > > -- > Thanks & Regards > Sreenivas Gopalam > Manager-Human resources >
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