2 Days Workshop
Project Management Professional Certification
(with MS Project and Monte Carlo Simulation)
9 – 10 Maret 2011
HRM School – Condet
Diajarkan langsung oleh Anggota Project Management Institute USA
Semua materi dalam bentuk softcopy
To successfully manage a project you may need a comprehensive and effective management tool. This course will give you the latest concepts, methods and practices used by progressive companies worldwide to manage projects to achieve technical and financial success. The content of this course is based on the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PM-BOK) authorized by Project Management Institute, USA . The participants will use MS Project and Monte Carlo simulation software to apply the project management techniques discussed in the workshop.
After attending this training, it is expected that participants can:
1. Develop realistic project duration and cost estimates
2. Control project execution and resolve conflicts,
3. Manage complex and risky projects successfully
4. Use MS Project and Monte Carlo simulation software
5. Complete project in time and under budget
Outline :
Day 1 : 08.30 until 17.30
1. Project Management Concept
Attributes of a Project, Project Life Cycle, Project Management Concept, Project Management Body of Knowledge, Benefits of Project Management
2. The Project
Planning the Project, Managing Risks, Performing the Project, Controlling the Project
3. Project Planning & Control
Planning, Project Objective, Work Breakdown Structure, Responsibility Matrix, Defining Activities, Developing the Network Plan
4. Scheduling
Activity Duration Estimates, Project Start & Finish Times, Schedule Calculation
5. Schedule Control
Project Control Process, Effects of Actual Schedule Development, Incorporating Project Changes into Schedule, Updating the Project Schedule, Approaches to Schedule Control
6. Resource Consideration
Resource Constraint Planning, Planned Resource Utilization, Resource Leveling, Resource Limited Scheduling
7. Cost Planning & Performance
Project Cost Estimates, Project Budgeting, Determining Actual Cost, Determining the Value of Work Performed (Earned Value), Cost Forecasting, Cost Control, Cost Performance Analysis, Managing Cash flow
8. Types of Project Organization
Functional Type, Project Type, Matrix Type, Advantages & Disadvantages of Each Type
Day 2 : 08.30 – 17.00
9. Hands-on Simulation with Microsoft Project Software
10. Hands-on Simulation with Monte Carlo Simulation Software
11. Examination
Training Method:
Training will be conducted in a participative atmosphere.
1. Class discussion and group discussion will be carried out throughout the training.
2. Group discussion will be used as a way to absorb the training material;
3. Participants and Facilitator Experiences will be explored in discussing every concept and method;
4. Participants will always be challenged to present his/her question and opinion.
5. Participants are required to bring their own notebook for hands-on session using MS Project & Monte Carlo simulation
Rp 1.950.000,- (Rombongan 2 orang atau lebih)
Rp 2.250.000,-
Bambang Purwoko Kusumo Bintoro
Anggota Project Management Institute USA (ID Member: terdaftar resmi), lulusan University of Southern California, Pernah terlibat dalam proyek2 yang diperoleh melalui tender internasional, baik proyek yang bersifat fisik (konstruksi) maupun yang non-fisik (proyek2 IT), di BUMN maupun swasta di Indonesia. Selain itu juga disela-sela waktunya beliau mengajar di ITB.
HRM Indonesia - HRM School
Jl Raya Condet no 30B Jakarta Timur (Depan Primagama - Sekolah Yayasan Adiluhur - Samping Kantor Pos) – LIHAT RUTE LOKASI DIBAWAH IKLAN INI
Pendaftaran & Informasi
Ms. Dewi
Email : dewi_indrayani81@yahoo.co.id
Telp/Fax. 021-8499 6361
Telp. 021-3594 9373
HP. 08569 787 4119 atau 0817 994 0224
Pendaftaran via SMS : (Topik, nama, PT, Email, HP)
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Tol Cijantung Kampung Rambutan/Gedong – Rumah Sakit Pasar Rebo atau Plaza PP – Masuk/keluar Jl Raya Condet – Rindam Jaya – Sekolah Yayasan Adiluhur – Primagama Condet I (HRM School atau HRM Indonesia didepannya) – Kantor Pos – POM Bensin atau Balai Latihan Kerja (BLK) atau Global School – Primagama Batam II – Keluar / Masuk Jl Raya Condet - Mall Cililitan (PGC) – Tol Cawang/UKI
Bila dari Dewi sartika, atau otista, atau UKI atau Pancoran silahkan dibaca dari belakang
Lokasi berjarak 1,5 Km dari Mall Cililitan dan 0,5 Km dari Rindam Jaya
Patokan Utama adalah Kantor Pos atau Sekolah Yayasan Adiluhur (Papan Namanya Besar).
Kendaraan Umum – Bus Metromini 53 Jurusan Kampung melayu – Kampung Rambutan
Hotel terdekat – PARK HOTEL – Cawang UKI
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