Training Ini Mengacu Kepada Standar Internasional yakni ASTD & Fokus kepada bagaimana melakukan transformasi people & organisasi
Materi : Semua Materi Mengacu Pada Materi ASTD Certification Institute (American Society for Training & Development)
Exam : Soal Ujian Mengacu pada materi ujian ASTD Certification Institute
ASTD : Asosiasi Training & Development Terbesar di Dunia & Menjadi Refrensi praktisi Training & Development serta Performance
Jumlah peserta minimal 7 orang & maksimal 15 orang
Harga Sesungguhnya training ini adalah USA $ 999 atau setara Rp 9.200.000,-
The CPLP Certification is derived from the three tiers of the ASTD Competency Model™: Foundational Competencies, Areas of Expertise (AOEs), and WLP Roles. The CPLP is based primarily on the nine AOEs; the specific technical and professional knowledge and skills required for success in the field. The credential has two components: a knowledge based exam and a work product submission.
This training based ASTD Learning System that contains nine modules. The nine modules in the ASTD Learning System align to the nine AOEs in the ASTD Competency Model. Listed below is a short description of each module's contents:
• Module 1: Designing Learning focuses CPLP study preparation towards an understanding of the foundational theories and concepts of adult learning, as well as the array of instructional methods available for designing learning.
• Module 2: Delivering Training centers its attention on the many different avenues of training delivery available to the WLP specialist.
• Module 3: Improving Human Performance focuses on the field of Human Performance Improvement (HPI) and includes knowledge of data gathering, analysis, change management, and measurement.
• Module 4: Measuring and Evaluating focuses on foundational understanding and knowledge of the measurement and evaluation methods and metrics available to the WLP professional.
• Module 5: Facilitating Organizational Change covers a foundational understanding of change theories is essential to help organizations successfully navigate and facilitate change.
• Module 6: Managing the Learning Function contains the deep level of knowledge on how the learning function affects all areas of an organization, as well as the core competencies involved with managing learning within an organization.
• Module 7: Coaching covers the core elements required in the field of coaching to improve performance for use by the WLP specialist.
• Module 8: Managing Organizational Knowledge delivers understanding and comprehension of the foundational elements of knowledge management (KM).
• Module 9: Career Planning and Talent Management contains information relative to individual career planning and organizational talent management.
To find out more about the ASTD Learning System ( )
Siapa yang wajib dan harus ikut?
1. Training Manager, Training Specialist, Training Officer
2. OD Manager, OD Specialist, OD Officer
3. Performance Manager, Performance Specialist, Performance Officer
4. HR Manager, HR Executive, HR Officer
5. HR Director
6. Frontline Manager
26, 27 & 28 Oktoner 2010
08.30 sampai 17.00
Semua Module mengacu kepada ASTD (ASTD Certification Institute) :
Training ini dilaksanakan selama 3 hari dengan focus modul sebagai berikut:
Module 1. Designing Learning
Module 2. Delivering Training
Module 3. Improving Human Performance
Module 4. Measuring and Evaluating
Module 5. Facilitating Organizational Change
Module 6. Managing the Learning Function
Module 7. Coaching
Module 8. Managing Organizational Knowledge
Module 9. Career Planning and Talent Management
Exam : Materi ujian mengacu kepada ASTD (ASTD Certification Institute)
PR : Diserahkan pada hari ke 3 setelah ujian
Rp 2.750.000,- (Non Member HRM)
Rp 2.450.000,- (Member HRM)
@ Rp 2.150.000,- (Member HRM Rombongan)
Rp Rp 2.150.000,- Alumni training HRM
HRM Indonesia - HRM School
Jl Raya Condet no 30B Jakarta Timur (Depan Primagama - Sekolah Yayasan Adiluhur - Samping Kantor Pos)
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