Lean Management Certification Program - Batch 2
26, 27, 28 April 2010
Rp 2.450.000,-
@ Rp 2.250.000,-(Rombongan minimal 2 orang)
HRM School – HRM Indonesia
Harap bawa laptop – Semua Materi dalam bentuk softcopy & untuk keperluan simulasi
1. TPM Manual Implementation
2. Software Lean Sixma
3. Complete Guide for Improvement :
a. Lean
b. Green belt six sigma
d. Team Management
e. Problem Solving
Lean For Service = Lean Service
Lean For Manufacture = Lean Manufacturing
Lean For Bank = Lean Banking
Lean For Retail = Lean Retail
Lean For Corporate / Company: Lean Enterprise / Lean Company
Tahukah anda bila nilai proyek Konsultasi Lean Management adalah Rp 250 Juta – Rp 2 Milyar
Tahukah anda bila harga Inhouse Lean Management adalah Rp 120 – 250 Juta untuk 3 hari
Tahukah anda bila harga training lean managemen adalah 5 – 15 juta untuk 3 hari
The goal of lean:
organization will increase throughput, reduce operating expenses and inventories, improve quality, reduce lead times with greater supply chain responsiveness, and improve participation, communication and collaboration across the supply chain.
Peserta Batch I (sebelumnya)
1. Bank Mizuho Indonesia (1 orang)
2. PT Kalbe Farma (2 orang)
3. PT Heinz ABC (2 orang)
4. POLA Inti Group (2 orang)
5. Pribadi 1 orang
To provide operation professionals a systematic and down-to-earth training on HOW TO IMPLEMENT LEAN for success.
A mix of lectures, facilitation workshops, experience sharing to achieve both learning and application on lean strategies to real environment and best-in-class training approach already conducted for many multi-national companies. This workshop will providing discussion and consultation of key implementation issues during classes.
Course Overview
Lean Management is a function of all operational managers, supervisors and staffs who must purse waste elimination endlessly for their organizations. By implementing lean practices, organization will increase throughput, reduce operating expenses and inventories, improve quality, reduce lead times with greater supply chain responsiveness, and improve participation, communication and collaboration across the supply chain.
This program will provide operational professionals with a learning environment to understand HOW TO IMPLEMENT LEAN for success. The course curriculum also provides time for consultation of key implementation strategies.
Program Outline
08.30 – 17.00
Module 1 : Introduction
1. Introduction to Lean
2. What is Lean Enterprise or Lean Manufacturing?
3. Foundation of History of Lean
4. Lean Metrics
Module 2 : Business Process Management
1. Business Process Management
2. Theory of Constraints (TOC)
3. Lean Thinking (Five Principles)
4. Synchronous Flow Manufacturing (SFM)
5. Cycle Time Reduction
6. Single Unit Processing (One-Piece Flow)
Module-3: Lean Tools
1. Lean Tools
2. Visual Management
3. Kanban
4. Poka-Yoke
5. Single Minute Exchange of Dies (SMED)
6. Standard Work
7. Kaizen
Module 4 : Total Productive Maintenance
1. Total Productive Maintenance
2. Lean Manufacturing and TPM
Module 5 : Supply Chain Management
1. Supply Chain Management
2. Advantage of Applying Lean to the Supply Chain Management
Module 6: Implementation of Lean Manufacturing
1. Implementation of Lean Manufacturing
2. Change Management
3. Deploying Lean in the Organization
Module 7. Lean Enterprise & Non Manufacturing Services Implementation
1. Lean Enterprise and Non-Manufacturing Services
2. Examples of Lean Enterprise and Non-Manufacturing Services
Module 8. Lean and Six Sigma
1. Lean and Six Sigma
2. Goals and Methodologies of Six Sigma
3. A Comparison: Lean Thinking Vs. Six Sigma
4. What is Lean Six Sigma
5. Laws and Implementation of Lean Six Sigma
Who Should Attend
All operation personnel who are charged with the responsibility for ensuring lean implementation success. This course is also suitable for directors, operation managers, training manager, staffs who are involved in value stream improvement activities.
Trainer and Facilitator
Mr. Bima Hermastho.
An expert of LEAN SIX SIGMA and TOTAL PRODUCTIVE MANAGEMENT with many Lean Project experiences in Asia Pacific Region.
HRM School – HRM Indonesia
Telp./Fax.: 021 – 8499 6361
HP. 0817 994 0224
SMS. 0817 994 0224 (sertifikasi Lean, Nama, Perusahaan, Email, Alamat)
Email: sunawans@yahoo.com
Peserta dibatasi 16 orang untuk efektifitas
HRM School – HRM Indonesia
Jl Raya Condet no 30 Jakarta Selatan (Depan Primagama, Sekolah Yayasan Adiluhur)
Diapit Tol Kampung Rambutan/Cijantung atau Tol Cawang
Form Pendaftaran
Topik: Lean Management
Harap dikirim ke: sunawans@yahoo.com
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Milis ini terilhami oleh sistem manajemen bisnis Balance Scorcard (Learning & Growth, Internal Process, Customer dan Finance) dan Malcolm Baldridge (The Excellence Performance Company: Leadership; Strategic Planning; Customer & Market Focus; Measurement, Analysis & Knowledge Management; Human Resource (HRD) Focus; Process Management; Business Results), Blue Ocean Strategy (BOS) dan Sistem ISO System dimana dalam sistem tersebut bisnis dikelola secara integral sesuai bisnis prosesnya.
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